MAC Address

Post category:#General Terms

A unique identifier of an individual network equipment unit, such as a NIC or Ethernet port, designating a sender or a recipient of an OSI network-level packet (frame). Usually MAC addresses are assigned by a manufacturer while producing equipment or components.

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Smurf Attack

Post category:#Attacks

A Smurf attack is a type of DDoS attack that exploits the ICMP protocol and causes a stream of packets to the victim. At startup, large packages are created when using a method called "spoofing". The intended result is to slow down the target system to such an extent that it becomes inoperable and vulnerable.

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Post category:#General Terms

Web application firewall is designed to protect your web application from various types of attacks. WAF can be called “reverse-proxy” as it protects server’s data passing clients through itself before providing access to the resource.


Data Center

Post category:#General Terms

Data center (DPC) is a multi-level storage for network and server equipment. Choosing a data center is based on the following points: reputation, reliability, location, etc.

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VoIP Flood

Post category:#Attacks

A DoS attack, a variant of UDP flood implemented by sending large amounts of forged VoIP packets from a wide range of IP addresses to a VoIP server, usually used by a call center. As a result, the server wastes too much of its resources trying to handle the bogus requests. Due to some aspects of UDP protocol, a VoIP flood attack can be very hard to detect.

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MS SQL Reflection DDoS Attack

Post category:#Attacks

An attack type that exploits vulnerabilities of the MC-SQLR protocol used for sending queries to Microsoft SQL Server. An overload of a victim’s link is achieved as a result of getting lists of all database instances stored on multiple public SQL servers (including those hosted by service and cloud providers), along with the information on how to connect to those instances. The data is provided in response to a stream of spoofed scripted requests containing the attacked node’s IP address, sent to those SQL servers.

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CharGEN Flood

Post category:#Attacks

A type of transport level amplification DDoS attack, similar to NTP amplification. The attack exploits vulnerabilities of the very old CharGEN character generator protocol, sending small packets with a spoofed victim IP address to devices supporting the protocol (such as printers, copying machines, etc.). The devices’ responses are sent as UDP packets to Port 19 of the victim server, causing it to waste too much resources trying to handle them.

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