Teardrop Attack
Teardrop attack is a DDoS attack carried out using fragmented packets with an offset, based on exploiting a TCP/IP stack vulnerability. During the attack, a victim's server is bombarded with large counts of fragmented packets, which it tries to handle unsuccessfully, wasting a huge amount of resources.
Other terms in this category
UDP floodTeardrop AttackVoIP floodMS SQL reflection DDoS attackCharGEN floodSNMP reflection attackSIP malformed attackSYN flood, or SYN attackMITM (man-in-the-middle) attackIP Null AttackDNS AmplificationNTP floodMemcached DDoS attackRecursive HTTP GET floodHTTP floodSlowloris or session attacksRST/FIN FloodSYN/ACK FloodIP Fragmentation AttackWhat Is a Ping Flood?What is an ICMP Flood Attack?
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