MITM (man-in-the-middle) attack
A class of attacks involving an intermediary acting for its own benefit: after inserting itself between two parties exchanging data, a third participant receives unauthorized access to their traffic with the ability to do virtually anything with it. The intermediary makes effort to hide itself in order not to evoke any legitimate parties’ suspicions of breaching the privacy and integrity of their traffic.
Other terms in this category
UDP floodTeardrop AttackVoIP floodMS SQL reflection DDoS attackCharGEN floodSNMP reflection attackSIP malformed attackSYN flood, or SYN attackMITM (man-in-the-middle) attackIP Null AttackDNS AmplificationNTP floodMemcached DDoS attackRecursive HTTP GET floodHTTP floodSlowloris or session attacksRST/FIN FloodSYN/ACK FloodIP Fragmentation AttackWhat Is a Ping Flood?What is an ICMP Flood Attack?
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