Happy Holidays!

23 December 2022

Dear friends, congratulations on the upcoming holidays!

Let the brightest and kindest dreams come true, and let the whole world be protected from any threat!

We wish you interesting discoveries, simple and unconventional solutions, success in your undertakings, mutual understanding with your loved ones and more joy.

On the eve of the New Year, the whole world is united. Dozens of traditions close to everyone: an elegant Christmas tree, a decorated house, a mountain of gifts, traditional dishes, fireworks and, of course, wish lists and plans!

Accept our musical gift and with it a pleasant festive mood.

StormWall team is happy to share with you another New Year tradition - the summary.

The year proved to be difficult, but productive. We thank StormWall partners, colleagues and friends for the good engagement. Let us remember what we were able to do to improve the protection of your resources.

  1. Earlier this year, we upgraded our infrastructure in a big way, tripling our filtering power - and even taking photos for our blog. This has enabled us to face all threats in this difficult year as usual.

  2. Fully armed, we faced a huge wave of DDoS attacks. This year we faced the strongest attacks, which reached a peak of 1.2 Tbps (packet flood) and 1,000,000 RPS (HTTP).

  3. We are constantly developing new ways to protect you. For example, we have significantly improved the functionality of the so that it remains the most convenient and functional on the market. We will tell you more about it soon!

  4. We ended the year with the opening of the sixth point of presence in Singapore, further increasing the filtering capacity for all our customers and reducing delays in the Asia-Pacific region.

Next year we will continue to delight you with the exceptional quality of our services and the professionalism of our support, and many more improvements are on the horizon! All this we do for you and together with you.

StormWall team wishes everyone good luck and success in the next year!

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